Showing posts with label Nursing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nursing. Show all posts

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Nursing Homes Liability Insurance

Because they are constantly taking care of the basic needs of others, nursing homes have a unique set of circumstances when it comes to insurance. With the dramatic increase in the number of lawsuits filed against nursing homes and the costs involved in the defense against these claims, liability insurance for nursing homes is one of the most desperately required insurance policies in the market. The risk of liability for those dealing directly with, and responsible for the health of its clients, is simply too high.

The cost of insurance has left some nursing home operators to consider proceeding to operate without any liability insurance coverage whatsoever. This is a mistake that can obviously do more damage than good. 

There are several areas of concern that a nursing home needs to address with respect to their residents:

  General liability

  Property coverage

  Malpractice or Professional Liability, and

  Safety and evacuation, to name a few

Protecting the building and property

Ensure that the building is protected and safe in order to continue to care for patients even in the face of a lawsuit. It is also important to protect the financial health of the company in the event of any settlements or judgments against the entity. Keep in mind that it is not only the patients that could be injured, but also any visitor or employee who might become injured while on the property who are a potential liability.

Malpractice always of great concern

This insurance is specifically designed to protect the business in the event of an injury or death resulting from an employee's actions or neglect. In addition to the insurance carried by the nursing home to protect against this type of claim, individual employees may wish to carry personal malpractice insurance policies to cover any awards that exceed their employer's policy. 

Training and safety should be high on the list

It is equally important to properly train all staff members in safety. The best way to protect the patients and staff, as well as the property is to avoid dangerous situations. Every nursing facility should have a safety-training course that all employees must attend. These types of classes should be repeated periodically and be reinforced as often as possible. 

Evacuation plans and drills are essential

Every staff member should know what his or her role is in the event of a disaster. Too many lives are dependent on the workers in a nursing home to be relaxed about this type of safety measure. Having a plan that everyone is aware of, and comfortable with, can help lessen the chances of a lawsuit should the unthinkable occur.